
The definitive guide to Gold and Silver market rigging

•Go to Chapter:
Market rigging

The War on Gold

Remedies & Solutions       Footnotes

✘ Gold is Peace, Prosperity, Liberty, Equality, Sovereignty!

✘ Fiat is Exploitation, Inequity, Vassalage,
     Dept-Slavery, WAR, Death & Destruction!

Gold and Silver are the Banksters’ and Politicians’ declared arch nemesis. Gold, and Silver, represent Honest Money; the time honoured store of wealth and trusted medium for the exchange of value around the globe; which it has been so for the last 5,000 years.

Currency Note in circulation representing actual physical Gold; redeemable at any time! Under a system where Gold represents the underlying value in a currency such as the Gold Standard of old, or any form where Currency is directly redeemable for Gold, and where Gold, or Silver, is the actual Money, the entire WS Banking system could not exist, a system invariably described as parasitic, superfluous and destructive.

Such a Monetary System must be enshrined in the Constitution and should be global and enacted by international treaty such as the Bretton Woods Agreement which the US unilaterally reneged on on that fateful day on 15 August 1971!
Every treaty can be broken as the US has proven time and again, but once a global system is in place which trades in tangible, physical Gold, then it will become nigh impossible to unilaterally renege on such a treaty since no other nation would suddenly accept infinitely printable Fiat Confetti Currency from a rogue nation like the US!
And that, hopefully is the way the world is headed, with eastern countries and Russia preparing for such a, much more equitable and fairer, global trading system by buying all the Gold which western Banksters are hocking off at their criminally suppressed, and hugely discounted prices.

The present, privately owned Fiat Fractional Reserve Lending, FRL, system allows Banksters to print currency out of thin air and charge interest on it, it allows them to leaver up on depositors’ assets and speculate, gamble and rort the system for their own books with OPM, Other Peoples’ Money, and construct a gigantic casino with derivatives, CDS, CDO, IRS etc, amounting to Quadrillions, all of which serve no purpose other than to defraud the productive citizens and profiteer from OPM.
And therein lays the crux and the banksters’ hatred for Gold and Silver, and also all the structural problems besetting the economy and financial system.

The criminal global currency system and the War on Gold here!

Any form of Gold as Money acts as a restraint on Banksters on all this parasitic racketeering, and would render the entire WS Plutocratic mob to the dustbin of history; a long and sordid history in privately owned Fiat FRL Currency racket and control of Governments and the entire system.

For Politicians it would prevent deficit spending, printing/borrowing currency to fund gigantic war machines and wage criminal wars, funding election promises to buy themselves into office with OPM, and repay banksters with deficit spending, indebting the nation to the banksters for bankrolling their election.

Of course scant regard is given to the trillions invested in the Precious Metals industry by the productive sector and investors; in fact parasitic banksters’ aim is to destroy the entire Precious Metals industry and all the trillions of hard working citizens’ wealth with it.

The vital miscalculation of TPTB in their blind hatred for Gold and Silver, and their Machiavellian destruction crime thereof, is that the BRIICS countries are rapidly re-monetizing Gold now, and have bought virtually all the US’ and West’s Gold; they recognize, as do billions of people around the globe, that Gold is Money and Power!

In order to suppress prices of Gold and Silver the riggers ended up underhandedly leasing, rehypothecating and hocking off the people’s Gold, right into the hands of their arch rival, China, at hugely discounted prices.

The interested parties in the demise of Gold and Silver as Money makes the list of perpetrators a varied and long one:

• The USG is determined to defend the Dollar as the World Reserve Currency, since this allows them to print and buy real goods from around the globe. Print and maintain a war machine and global empire. Print and wage wars and all manners of covert operations to perpetuate their hegemony. Print and make spending promises to get re-elected. Print and subdue a restless populace which has been rendered into virtual submission and economic privation through the very act of all these Fiat FRL enabled shenanigans and Fraud.
All this is of course a circuitous death spiral into the economic and financial abyss.

• The Fed needs to preserve this status quo for the Dollar or the Fed would become meaningless.

• The WS Banksters' entire raison d'être is at stake. See Footnote a

• The BIS and IMF are puppet arms of the USG and its Treasury and the Fed and act on their instructions. The SDRs issued by the IMF is a covert means to ‘demonetize’ Gold, at the behest of the USG.

Secret memos and documents unearthed and published by GATA and other researchers reveals a picture of systematic vilification, marginalisation and the avowed destruction of Gold and Silver as Monetary Metals, euphemistically called, ‘Demonetization’, by TPTB, i.e. CB, WS Banksters, BIS and the USG and its secretive crime unit, the completely unaccountable, top secret ESF!
See Footnote: b

Short list of Cartel’s major criminal Market Ops, dumping naked, unbacked short contracts in enormous quantities to crash the entire bid stack.
Date Metal Ounces Tons Price Destruction
1 May 2011 Gold 24 million 750 Price was actually up
1 May 2011 Silver 5 m 160 $14.95 over 5 Days
6 Sep 2011 Gold 22.5 m 700 $63
6 Sep 2011 Silver 230 m 7,200 $1.86
8 Dec 2011 Gold 20 m 625 $194 over 6 Days
8 Dec 2011 Silver 112 m 3,400 $1.85
29 Feb 2012 Gold 24.5 m 62 $103
29 Feb 2012 Silver 263 m 8,200 $3.75
12 Apr 2013 Gold 13.4 m 416 $38
15 Apr 2013 Gold F'note c   $160
12 Sep 2013 Gold 1.2 m 38 $84
20 Sep 2013 Gold 200,000 6.2 $10
11 Oct 2013 Gold 2 m 62 $16
21 July 2015 Gold 2 m 57
16 Sep 2016 Gold 2.5 m 8,000
2 Mar 2017 Silver 150 m 4,695

See Footnote: c

Prices are strictly controlled around the clock with HFT amongst the Cartel Members, and daily smaller ops are carried out to suppress and snuff out any price rise.

Flow Chart of the Gold Market and price rigging

Click to enlarge

✘ The War on Gold

As we have seen, the Banksters hate Gold as a component of the monetary system, but nevertheless conspire to hoard it and profiteer from it at the expense of the productive people.
Gold, as part of the monetary system, is the Banksters’ number one nemesis as it constrains their ability to print and profiteer, and they have long sworn to destroy it as a monetary asset, while profiteering from it. The Banksters have literally declared war on Gold; to excise this 5,000 year old Money of the People from the system with every available means, and that includes every criminal plot they can muster.

It started with the 1913 Federal Reserve Act which allowed for a coverage of only 40% of the US$ Monetary Base.
Then the 1933 confiscation of the productive people’s gold, an act of unprecedented insidious tyranny, while leaving the parasitic banksters to keep their ‘hoards of gold’ overseas, was the callously pre-calculated step number two.

Then after Bretton Woods the US ran the London Gold Pool from 1961 to 1968; a cabal of 8 countries led by the US and 7 European Central Banks, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK, while the US supplied 50% of the Precious Metal to suppress the price to the pegged $35.20/ounce agreed on at Bretton Woods.

US official Gold Holdings

However this proved a monumental task as the US was running huge trade and budget deficits, mostly due to the Vietnam war, and started to print enormous amounts of Dollars, not backed by Gold, which engendered a Gold bull market of massive proportions and prompted European countries to redeem their paper $ for the Gold they were assured under the BW Agreement. This caused the London Gold Pool to collapse in 1968, but only after the US lost some 12,000 tons, from just over 20,000 tons down to a little over 8,000 tons. And that's how hugely important the suppression and destruction of Gold as a monetary asset is to the Banksters!

Then after the ‘Nixon Shock’ Gold was sporadically sold at auction to further suppress the price.
Then Gold commenced to be traded on the Comex Exchange in 1975, and thus began the paper trading of Futures, which allowed the Banksters to use ‘Naked Shorts’ to suppress the price of Gold, manipulate the market and make huge profits at the expense of all other market participants, i.e. the productive people.
Futures markets are the manipulation in itself, so the Banksters love these markets as it allows them to rig and profiteer on a gigantic scale!

Cables released by Wikileaks discussing the implementation of the Gold Futures Market in 1975 reveal that the intent was from the outset to create volatility in the price to discourage private citizens to hold and protect themselves with Gold.
It also reveals the intent and facilitation of price suppression while affording the price riggers unprecedented profits while pursuing their criminal activities on behest of the bankster oligarchy waging their covert war against the productive people’s money; gold!

Under Clinton’s Rubin/Summers/Greenspan gang the Gold in Fort Knox has evidently all been stolen, leased, sold or otherwise misappropriated.
At the same time some 1.3 to 1.5 million tungsten blanks of 400 ounce London good delivery bar, LGDB, were manufactured and of those 600,000 were gold plated and shipped to Fort Knox to replace the stolen Gold. There is apparently a trail of Waybill documentation which would prove this scenario, and the Chinese discovered some of these fake Tungsten bars in a shipment, which traced back to the US according to the serial numbers of these bars.
The rest of the blanks is said to have also been gold plated and either sold, or waiting to be used in some way to discredit and destroy the gold market.
The Chinese re-refine their gold to 99.99 and cast it into 1kg bars so they’re certain not to be duped.

The IMF has also conspired to destroy Gold as a monetary asset and introduced the Special Drawing Rights, SDR, to replace Gold as the anchor to the financial system and as a 'reserve'.
Who are the biggest Mugs, i.e. victims of Banksters' machinations? Of course SDRs are just another

Fiat Currency

[24] infinitely printable to suit the Banksters's ploys and to save the system from collapse by inflating and bailing out bankrupt countries.
The IMF also forbids member countries, under their articles of association, from backing their currencies with Gold as part of their (un)declared war on Gold.
In 1992 Switzerland was maneuvered into joining the truly vile IMF with the enthusiastic support of the Swiss banksters, and there are very 'good' (bad) reasons for this. This fatal move was, as always, sold with spurious 'heart warming' and conscience appealing lies; the IMF were an institution which was in the business of 'Development Aid' and in support of poor Third World countries, while nothing could be further from the ugly truth!
In fact the exact opposite is the reality, the IMF is designed to rape and plunder these already poor nations, and every nation foolish enough to indebt itself to this Vulture Capital Fund of the WS Banksters!

The Banksters running the IMF clearly want all countries to be under their control and party to the Fiat Currency Crime Racket, with which Banksters are free to print as much currency as the market can take, to enrich themselves on this fake confetti 'money' conjured up out of nothing, and thus enslave the productive people in debt!
The IMF's rule forced gold out of the Swiss monetary system and it became another ploy of the Banksters to dump this vital asset onto the market to further depress and destroy it. The Government, taking advice from the banksters, moved to dispose of much of its Gold accumulated over many centuries, in another ploy sold with the same spurious lies and conscience appealing ruse of creating a 'Solitary Fund'!

Needles to say that the Swiss Banksters were enthusiastically in support of this Franc destruction move. This opened the door for the Banksters from the Swiss National Bank, SNB, to hock off the Swiss people's Gold, and right at the bottom of the market!

Gold has been systematically suppressed for many decades by the Banksters, but in a truly bizarre twist of conniving and treachery, 15 of WS’ top Banksters met in early April 2013 at the WH, just hours before the most concerted and ferocious attack on Gold and Silver, revealing complicity and collusion at the highest level in this suppression crime.
Banksters had gotten themselves into a very tight spot and were just hours away from defaulting in their Fractional Gold Market racket, where every single ounce has at least one hundred claims to it.
Gold is considered fair game by the Banksters who have literally stolen tens of thousands of tons of customers' Gold, pooled and allocated Gold, private clients' and sovereign customers' Gold, and sold it to gamble with the proceeds or to park it with the Fed and earn interest on it and to show up as reserves on their books!
Comex data now shows hat this fractional gold racket has at least 500 claims on every ounce of gold.
So the banksters are free to suppress and smash Gold at will with the connivance and under the protection of the highest 'authorities', and with the CFTC turning two blind eyes!

So vital is their war on Gold deemed by the criminal banksters that the entire matrix from WS, the Fed, BoE, USG-ESF, Comex, LBMA and BIS are engaged in the surreptitious Gold suppression/destruction crime against the productive people.

Artist impression of the NY Fed's empty Gold Vault. The NY Fed is custodian of the Sovereign Gold stored in the US and many countries have entrusted their Gold with that criminal entity.
Germany has some 1,530 tons of its 3,396 tons of Gold 'stored' there but when a delegation arrived to inspect their own Gold they were fobbed off with the most puerile and insulting excuses not even a 5 year old delinquent brat would dare to pull, while the delegation was shown a 'representative' Bar!

Of course all the Gold has been stolen and sold 500 times over, and that's why these criminals suppress the price, since they can never replace it as the market is extremely tight and would be in the order of many, many multiples higher than the artificially low, suppressed price of today.
Many other countries have their Gold naïvely entrusted with this criminal corporation in NY and only the Dutch were granted their 122.5 tons of Gold back in one fell swoop in November 2014!
Why, one might ask, did the Dutch get their Gold back where the Germans ware flatly refused?
Well, one has only to look at the big picture and think of MH17 shot down over the Ukraine and the involvement of the USG at the highest level, the Dutch connivance in many aspects of this atrocity and keeping all findings of the faux 'inquiry' a secret!

But where did they quickly get get that much Gold from when the markets are extremely tight?
  • There is Gaddafi's 144 tons stolen from the Libyan people by the US during their heinous crime against this peaceful country in 2011, but that's long since been sold hundreds of times over.

  • Or the Ukraine's 44 tons stolen in a midnight raid by the US during their mayhem and country destruction in 2014, but that wouldn't go far enough and has also immediately been sold to cover their Naked Shorting Crime Racket at the Comex.

  • Or the 45 tons Venezuela was forced to lease out in exchange for fiat currency after the US' all out assault on their currency, economy and oil price destruction against that country, Iran and Russia!

  • Or the well in excess of 50,000 tons stolen by the Bankster matrix (WS, Fed, CBs, BIS, USG-ESF) of everyone's Gold, Sovereign and Private, stored at the NY Fed, Banksters' vaults at WS, London, Zurich/Bern, Paris, Frankfurt etc.!
    But import/export data shows that there is a massive flow of Gold from London, Zurich, Paris and New York into Switzerland where it gets re-refined and recast into 99.99% 1kg bars and then out again into Hong Kong and Shanghai; in all accounting for all of these tens of thousands of tons and more!

  • Or was it some of the 1.5 million Gold plated tungsten bars manufactured by the Jewish Greenpsan/Rubin/Summers gang's reign of terror?

  • Or some of the 170 tons hurriedly removed just hours prior to the 9/11 attack by US military personnel from under the twin towers?

  • Or some of the 10,000 tons stolen by the US in Iraq, which in turn was mostly Gold stolen by them from Kuwait?
    (Has this Gold ever been returned to Kuwait, or has it been stolen just like all the other Gold of every other sovereign nation?)

  • Or is there still some of the hundreds of thousands of tons of Gold around the Japanese looted from across Asia in the early parts of the 20th century which they stored in the Philippines and then was stolen by the Yanks when they conquered the Philippines?

  • Or some of the Gold hoard amassed by US puppet, former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh?

  • Or any of the tens of thousands of tons of Gold amassed by any of the many US puppets installed over the decades who looted their countries and stored it in Gold parked in London and NY for 'safekeeping' and then stolen by the US Banksters?

If all these surreptitious crimes, theft, Gold Swaps, re-re-re-hypothecation, 500 fold fractional Gold sales, underhand leases etc weren't enough, what's even more galling is that this overt and brazen rigging and suppression crime is patently used to 're-capitalise' the criminal, parasitic and bankrupt Banksters, at the expense of the other market participants, i.e. the productive people!
This after their fraud and crimes against the productive people got them into this situation in the first place, being caught out by market reality! But the parasitic banksters have full control over government and 'regulators' so they're free to rape and plunder with complete impunity!

To put the Banksters' war on Gold into the proper perspective, consider that Gold is the productive people's choice of money and are globally lining up to protect their hard earned wealth by storing it in Gold.
The parasitic Banksters' war on Gold is simply a vile attempt to save their gigantic, private, criminal Fiat Currency Crime Racket, with which these parasites can literally rape and plunder humanity's wealth by the trillions by enslaving everyone into debt to themselves with their confetti currency and with fraud and crimes of every description.

It is also the deliberate destruction of a world wide industry in the business of mining the people's choice of Money: Gold and Silver!
The permanent suppression of prices to far below the true all up costs of mining these precious metals is an attempt to destroy the mining industry and trillions of productive people's wealth invested in this nobel industry.

In that it constitutes the biggest crime against humanity, since Gold as Money would end the Debt Slavery and Bankster Oligarchy's rule of exploitation, wars, tyranny, death and destruction!

This bankster war on Gold concerns every human being on the planet, as it is, by proxy, a war on them, the productive people, for whom the choice has always been Gold to store, preserve and safeguard their hard earned wealth.
Gold is always owned by the person in possession of it at any given time, and can't be forged and multiplied as the banksters' private fiat currency which is being printed by the Trillions.

✘ Remedies & Solutions

   In order that Humanity's enslavement can be stalled or entirely averted and an end is put to all the heinous Wars, Death & Destruction for Profit some simple remedies can be applied by everyone:

  • Cutting up your Credit Cards.
    Every time you use one of these debt instruments you create debt which has to be paid back with interest. In the case of Credit Card debt the interest is levied to the Merchant, whether he likes it or not, but the bank takes a cut of anywhere up to 3 or 4% of his sales. Then there are Participation fee, Terminal access fee Installation fees, Establishment Fee, Debit purchase Merchant service fees, Debit cash out card fees, Authorisation fees, Chargeback fees, Minimum Merchant Service fees etc, banksters just love to charge fees to captive debt slaves.

  • Repay any loans or mortgage you have, if at all possible.
    Banksters conjure up fiat currency out of thin air and charge usurious rental on this confetti currency to captive debt slaves. Borrow from relatives, or by any other means if possible. Debt creation is the Banksters’ means to enslave Humanity in debt; if you borrow any amount for say a 30 year term you pay back nigh double the amount, plus insurance fees, valuations, solicitors etc. Think about that your purchase, say a house, more than doubles in price by borrowing from the Banksters.

  • Get out of banking as much as you can!
    Only hold enough cash at hand as is needed. Depositors are now all unsecured creditors to the Banksters ranking at the bottom of the creditor pile, that is to say that everyone else is paid restitution first if there are any assets left in case of bankruptcy. Also bail-ins are now an established norm and will be applied rigorously, that is, your hard earned cash will be confiscated in exchange for equity in the bank in the form of worthless shares, valued arbitrarily at their determination.
    Also, any bank deposits are fair game for the banksters to be used in any way they see fit; gambling i.e. high risk futures plays, CDSs, etc.

  • Deposit your hard earned cash in physical Gold and Silver and store it in a safe place outside the banking system, either at home or with specialized Gold Vaulting Companies.
    Banksters literally have stolen everyone's Gold from allocated accounts to pooled accounts and sold it hundreds of times over to gamble with the proceeds and left IOUs in return. That's many tens of thousands of tons.

  • Avoid paying taxes, that is not evasion but minimize your tax liabilities as much as possible.
    Today much of your hard earned cash you pay in taxes goes straight to the banksters, as interest payments, i. e. to parasites who created currency out of thin air and lent it to your government; this is essence of the Fiat Currency Crime Racket!

  • Refuse to lend credence and legitimacy to elections by voting in these staged and rigged selection frauds where a predetermined stooge is paraded as a ‘candidate’ you may vote on.
    At the very least chose a Candidate who is trustworthy, even if he/she has no chance of winning, or stand yourself in elections and disseminate your message about real Democracy!

  • Least of all, work for the Government in any shape or form in the enforcement apparatuses which keep them in power by keeping the populace subdued, in fear and compliant; i.e. Military, Police, 'Security Agencies', or any enforcement agency.

  • Stop buying from all multi national corporations and only purchase from locally owned and produced sources.
    Supporting the very fascist entities behind the Crimes against Humanity they foster via their DC Think Tanks and Lobby groups is akin to financing your own Enslavement and Slaughter!
And if all that fails, then the violent option is the people’s last choice to take back their Liberties, Rights and Sovereignty; Revolution!

[That is if a grassroots Uprising can remain true to its Principles and not be coopted & hijacked, as most every other Revolution always has been:
The Bolshevik 'Revolution' for instance was from A to Z a WS-Oligarchy financed and orchestrated installment of something far, far diabolically worse than the People thought they're fighting against, until it was too late!

Let that be a salient lesson to all would be Revolutionaries!]

But exactly the SAME diabolical co-opting has been underway for decades with the Climate Change Fraud which has as its aim the exact same tyrannical enslavement of Humanity, while all the wide-eyed Greenies, ignorant Do-Gooders and thoughtless brainwashed Plebs cheer along their very own Enslavement and eventual culling, as plotted!

✘ Footnotes

  • “We looked into the abyss if the gold price rose further. A further rise would have taken down one or several trading houses, which might have taken down all the rest in their wake. Therefore at any price, at any cost, the central banks had to quell the gold price, manage it.
    It was very difficult to get the gold price under control but we have now succeeded. The US Fed was very active in getting the gold price down. So was the U.K.”

    Sir Eddie George, Governor Bank of England in conversation with Nicholas J. Morrell, chief executive of Lonmin Plc, 1999

Footnote: a

The idea that a rising Gold price is somehow linked to interest rates, and hence the fate of the Dollar, stems from a paper, Gibson’s Paradox, written by one of WS’ most ardent hacks and onetime Secretary of the Treasury, Larry Summers.
(Summers and Rubin were the architects of the complete deregulation, repeal of Glass Steagall, and ‘de-oversighting’ of the financial markets; a sleight of conniving with WS, which brought about the present intractable financial malaise, but brought unimaginable riches to the few WS Executives he was working for while in the employ and pay of the Taxpayers)

This paper was solely a justification for the very lucrative racket of rigging the Gold and Silver markets, where the riggers are invariably the winners and everyone else the losers.
JPM regularly reports ‘perfect quarters’ where they ‘earn’ in excess of $100m every single day form their ‘trading desk’; read ‘rigged Market Ops’.
Of course this is only possible in completely rigged markets where the mega Banksters collude in rigging markets and loot the other hapless participants of their investments, time and again.
This also explains the complete complicity of the ‘regulators’, the CFTC, in allowing this criminal racket to continue in full view of everyone, and closing both eyes, when everyone is screaming foul and corruption!

Footnote: b

The ESF was set up under the 1934 Gold Reserve Act to carry out covert market operations in Forex, Gold, Silver and just about every other market.
Of course there can be no legitimacy in the unilateral suppression and rigging of prices by the US of globally traded markets affecting billions of people around the planet.
The USG is fond of quickly labelling anyone a ‘Currency Rigger’ or the like, if they suspect market operations by a country affects their ability to rig that market with their own secret and illegitimate interventions.
The ESF is reportedly also involved in far more than just these illicit market ops, the range of activities attributed to this ultra secret unit range from Money Laundering to the financing of the CIA’s endless list of Black Ops, Drug running, Covert Wars and every kind of criminal activity carried out without supervision and accountability.

Footnote: c

In a truly bizarre twist of conniving, 15 of WS’ top Banksters met in early April 2013 at the WH just hours before the most concerted and vociferous attack on Gold and Silver, revealing complicity and collusion at the highest level in this suppression crime.
Banksters got themselves into a very tight spot and were just hours away from defaulting in their Fractional Gold Market racket, where every single ounce has at least one hundred claims to it.

Their crime of reselling the same asset hundreds to times over, the looting and stealing of Customers’ allocated/unallocated Gold accounts, the re-re-rehypothecation of leased Gold and the gigantic naked short positions which they were called upon to deliver had them resort to ever more aggressive suppression and price destruction, seeking the redoubled assistance of the USG/ESF in this crime.

Not surprising the CFTC declared that there is ‘No Crime’ committed in the Silver market, and by extension in the Gold market, despite a five year investigation and first hand Whistleblower testimony, and the entire planet being able to discern normal trading where sellers maximize their proceeds, and the deliberate dumping of gigantic Naked Short Contracts, intentionally crashing the entire Bid Stack during the quietest trading time of the day!

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US War Crimes in Fallujah and Iraq; Birth Defects, the effects of DU, Nukes and White Phosphorous

Iraq Study

The use of DU, ‘depleted’ Uranium, is a crime against humanity on a horrific scale, one which has incontrovertibly been shown to cause horrendous birth defects, cancers and illnesses of a wide spectrum.

U-238 has a half life of 4.5 billion years, the age of earth, so the radiation will for all intents and purposes never cease nor will it ever appreciably diminish in our time reckoning.

DU armour piercing material virtually vaporises on impact into a very fine dust and thus invisibly pollutes the environment, air, groundwater and soil, in a way which is impossible to clean up or contain.

DU - Beyond Treason

DU emits around 15 Bq/mg, and as it vaporises into a microscopic dust it can be inhaled, ingested via polluted groundwater and produce grown on soils polluted distances away from the actual use of these radioactive armaments.

DU - NATO's Dark Secret

There is a concerted effort to downplay the radioactivity of DU and it is claimed that it virtually is harmless and has never been shown to cause any radiation related sicknesses.
Countless Gulf War and Iraq War Veterans with what is termed ‘Gulf War Syndrome’ beg to vehemently disagree and clearly put the lie to such deceitful claims.

A medical study in Fallujah found the incidence of
• Childhood Leukemia to be elevated to 38 times to what would be the expected rate.
• Child Cancer rate 12 times
• Breast Cancer 10 times
• Infant Mortality 15 times
• Congenital Birth Defects were deemed scientifically unquantifiable since many mothers give birth at home and often the baby dies at birth and the incidence goes unreported, but it is hugely elevated.

The US invading forces used Depleted Uranium (DU) extensively along with White Phosphorous and Cluster Bombs; illegal WMD, which was the ruse used by the Bush administration to invade Iraq.

There is also an incontrovertible radiation signature of Enriched Uranium, clearly attesting to some type of new Tactical Nuke which the US is using against civilians, causing widespread radiation sickness and adding to the statistics of all the horrendous radiation induced mutations, cancers and sicknesses cited above.

This same type of new Tactical Nuke appears to have been used in Gaza by Israel, the US’ partner in the Middle East and recipient of Nuke Bunker Busters which they used against Syria, with impunity! This is shown by the radiation signature found in Gaza.
Israel is the recipient of billions in military and other aid from the US and new weapons are often provided to Israel to be live tested on Palestinians.

The most horrendous aspect of this radiation pollution is its insidious and enduring maiming and killing, for all intents and purposes to eternity, making vast tracts of land uninhabitable and posing an enormous health hazard for Iraq and the entire planet.

Below are some of the Horrendous Birth Defects caused by the USG use of Nukes in Iraq, and elsewhere!

Limericks for the Connoisseur

Bushy had a ‘coalition of the willing’
To perpetrate a spree of massive killing
Obama though’s a shunned old loner
He is the undisputed slyball droner
And always someone else’s blood is spilling

There was a sly ol’ Bankster Jamie
Some thought he was little slimy
Lost six billions with his gambles
His company now’s in shambles
Yet all he said’s “Don’t blame me”

CFTC commissioner Chilton Bart
Was charged to oversee the Mart
Had lots of proof of market rigging
But five years later did a little jigging
Turns out he’s just another WS Tart

“Exceptional USA!” Obama often crows
Yet it’s the absolute and abject lows
A horrendous One-State spree of crime
The worst and utter human slime
But soon one day, it'll reap of what it sows

Fiat $’s just not money
Money is the colour of honey
Fiat’s like confetti
Invented by a Yeti
With Gold it’s always sunny

Where is all the people’s precious Gold?
Has it all been slyly leased and sold?
“It’s to support my Fiat Dollar”
We hear Shalom Bernanke holler
A traitor in the worst ol’ Bankster’s mould

Who’s that dancing on the Dollar’s grave?
Now’s mankind really sound and safe?
Forged and printed by the trillions
To raze and slaughter women kids civilians
Satan’s tool to plunder rape enslave

Banksters have their own confetti ‘money’
They fight and kill to keep this pot of honey
They print and forge it by the Trillions
Charge even interest to us foolish minions
This fiat fraud’s now headed for the ‘dunny’

The Comex is nothing but a paper fraud
Where real Gold is leveraged to be awed
It’s more than just a hundred times to one
This Crimex system everyone should shun
Thoughts of getting real Gold are truly flawed

In an act of abject wicked treason
Defying any logic or sound reason
Our Gold, that’s save we’re falsely told
Has all been leased and slyly sold
Fort Knox’s been void for many a season

Obama always bays for Regimechange
He wants the world to Zio-rearrange
He set his sights on Iran/Syria
Already razed Gaddafi’s Libya
It’s all for Zio shekels in exchange

Let’s talk about the People’s Money
It’s got that glow and hue of Honey
It is the banksters’ sworn old foe
Never liked that shiny honest glow
With Gold as dough they just can’t racketeer
Loot and pilfer, steal or profiteer
But Fiat is the definite parasitic racket
Where people’s wealth ends up in Banksters’ pocket


Comparative analysis of monetary systems

A comparative analysis of monetary systems
A tale of two kingdoms; Aurelium and Fiatistan.

Any similarity with living individuals and existing kingdoms is entirely unintended and coincidental!

In the kingdom of Aurelium the people were busy and working hard to extract a beautiful yellow metal, which they liked very much and treasured above all else since they could shape into jewellery, many ornaments and also exchange it for goods and services amongst the population of the kingdom. Soon the king decided to standardize the trading of this yellow metal and started to mint coins of defined weights and denominations. Thus Money was born and commerce really started to flourish and grew at a steady pace equivalent to the amount of the yellow metal people were able to extract.

Since the people who extracted the yellow metal paid a royalty to the king for the privilege of being granted a mining licence, and the fact that they took their yellow metal to the royal mint to have it minted into coins and then spent that money into the economy in wages, supplies and many other costs, all the money in circulation was debt free, everyone earned it through their hard labour and no one had to borrow any money ‘into existence’.

It was a fair, peace loving and just society built on ‘Reward for Effort’ and this ensured an orderly and gentle society, where everyone respected the rule of law and knew and appreciated the value of effort and labour.

 First coin minted in Lydia 7th century BC made from electrum First Honest Money coin minted in Lydia, 7th century BC, made from electrum, according to strict weight and denomination standards

In kingdom Fiatistan a group of hardnosed gangsters who were very shy of work and which had a parasitic bent went to the king and smooth talked him into granting them the sole right to issue currency, solely printed on paper, which everyone in the kingdom was forced to use, since it was decreed at the same time that any other form of currency was illegal and citizens had to pay their taxes with this paper currency. They called their currency the Dullard.

Having obtained the sole right to print currency meant that every single unit of currency in circulation was a Debt by some citizen owed to these gangsters, now called Banksters, who had to borrow it into existence through loans or credit card purchases.
It was an onerous system where this group of Banksters had the right to print money out of thin air, something everyone else was severely punished for, as it was called counterfeit if done by ordinary people!

Through this incredible, some citizens of Fiatino called it a crazy, outlandish, unnatural and iniquitous system, these Bankster soon accumulated immense wealth, since every currency unit in circulation carried interest payable to them. And the currency to pay that interest also had to be borrowed into existence, so the currency supply had to permanently increase at an every increasing clip, till one day it would go hyperbolic.

With the accumulation of wealth inevitably came immense power over the king, his ministers, the economy and everyone in the kingdom.

 First US Fiat Paper \Currency, the ‘Continental’ of 1775, backed by nothing than promised tax revenue! First US Fiat Paper Currency, the ‘Continental’ of 1775, backed by nothing than promised tax revenue! It soon suffered the fate of all Fiat Currencies and became the epitome of worthlessness in "Not worth a Contintenal"

The Banksters would in fact run the kingdom as they pleased, and to the sole benefit and advantage to themselves.

With all that wealth they bought all the media in the kingdom to control the entire news flow and minds of its citizens, they bought large swathes of the economy and had their representatives on every board, in every council and they also literally appointed all their own ministers to the king’s cabinet.

These Banksters in fact were the state within the kingdom, and the king was a very unhappy man for having granted them this right to print currency.

Needless to say that the citizens in the kingdom of Fiatistan became more and more unhappy, unhealthy and grew ever more alienated from the natural flow of life, nature and family.

Fiatistan was also constantly at war with every other kingdom since the Banksters simply could print more of their confetti currency to finance these wars. But the wars in themselves were a scheme by the Banksters to enrich themselves; by creating more interest bearing debt for the kingdom and financing the war industry which they all owned.
Other kingdoms which didn’t have the same Fiat Currency system and refused to use Fiatistan’s Dullard currency were first vilified with lies, then blamed for false flag terrorism and then attacked, destroyed and occupied.

Very first Paper Currency in 11th century China, though Merchant Receipts predated it by some 400 years Very first Paper Currency in 11th century China, though Merchant Receipts predated it by some 400 years
Since the citizens of Fiatistan could see that the Banksters simply could run their printing presses and everyone had to pay interest on this new confetti currency, including the king, and thus the Banksters accumulated ever more real wealth from the citizens at an ever increasing clip, society began to break down and the Banksters in power enacted ever more onerous laws and implemented every means to suppress freedoms and rights, and Fiatistan became a very oppressive fiefdom of the Banksters.

The Banksters schemed all along that they had the power to indebt the kingdom, and every citizen, to them by printing excess currency so that people would borrow more and more and buy assets which inflated in price until it became apparent that the price was unsustainable and the asset bubble would burst.

This accorded the Banksters the means to scoop up assets at hugely discounted prices from distressed borrowers. And so the Banksters, under its leaders Al Greenbridge and later on Hi Barnacle, created boom and bust cycles with ever increasing frequency by excessively loosening and then tightening the currency supply, which made the Banksters very, very rich and the citizens very poor.

This worked for a very long time, far too long it seemed to all the poor suffering citizens of Fiatistan, until one day the debt of the kingdom, combined with the collective debt of the citizens, was just too great to be sustained any longer and the whole Fiat Currency system …………

Stand by for the continuation of this tale of two unequal kingdoms!

In Aurelium the Monetary System grew out of a natural progression, and everyone accepted this Money since they knew it was valuable and difficult to get; only through hard work and effort. So their system lasted to this day and there is no sign that it could ever collapse, change, or be rejected by the citizens of Aurelium. It is a natural emanation of the free market, and a just, fair and equitable system, and these are the essential qualities to its infallibility and enduring nature.
Now with internet banking the king instituted an electronic payment system where the gold can be deposited in secure, audited vaults and payments can be made in units down to nano grams of gold. Thus it is as convenient as any modern funds transfer system, except this is an Honest Money System, which can’t be printed out of thin air and has no counterparty risk; the gold IS the Money, and ownership always is vested with the Citizens, the actual owner, not any Bankster!

In Fiatistan the currency system was a parasitic, artificial construct, and moreover implemented by devious machinations by a clique of gangsters who had their game plan all set out in advance.
As one of their ancestors, Crimsonplaque, sinisterly quipped: “Let me issue a country’s currency and I care not who makes the laws”!
These gangsters understood all along that only money is real power and with that power one can control everything and seize ever more wealth from productive citizens. The citizens didn’t wake up to that fact until it was far too late and their kingdom was in such a parlous state of decline and their freedoms had been all but obliterated.

They looked with heavy hearts and more than a touch of envy across the border to Aurelium and sworn to themselves that for the next monetary system they will copy their natural system and never again let any parasitic gangsters take total control over their monetary system, lives and the entire kingdom!